Friday, February 22, 2013

How to Give Your Richmond Hill Home's Curb Appeal Center Stage!

Are you gearing up to sell your Richmond Hill, GA home? Great idea! Home prices in the fourth quarter of 2012 were the strongest they've been in seven years, according to a National Association of Realtors report, and 31 percent of homes sold within one month in December! Now is definitely the time to sell in the Richmond Hill real www.kimrahnsellsgahomes.comestate market!
As a home seller, its important to realize that the first thing potential homebuyers see is the outside of your home. Whether its an online listing, a drive-by, a showing or an open house, they will see the front of the house. They will judge it, just like we judge books by their covers.
Lucky for you, a recent Cost vs. Value Report shows that making exterior improvements yield the highest return-on-investments! So, as your Richmond Hill real estate agent, Im here to tell you that if something needs updating on the outside of your home, do it. Its worth it!
Here are some ideas:
Replace the front door. A steel entry door topped the survey, with an estimated 85.6 percent of costs regained at the time of sale. If you cant afford to replace the door, at least give it a fresh coat of paint!
Upgrade the siding. This upgrade is going to cost a bit more, but it does yield a 79.3 percent return-on-investment, according to the survey. Cant afford it? Give your exterior a fresh, neutral-hued coat of paint! If your siding is rather new, just give it a good power washing.
Add a deck. Homebuyers really love a place to relax in the backyard, so if your yard doesn't have a place for this, a wooden deck would make a great addition, with a 77.3 percent return-on-investment. If you already have a deck, repaint and stain it.
Replace the garage door. This is another pricier option, but it yields a 75.2 percent return-on-investment. If your door is old, itd be ideal to replace this before listing your home. If its rather new, give it a fresh coat of paint and a power wash.
Replace the windows. This is where things really start to add up, with an expense averaging anywhere from $10,000 to $14,000, but with a 72 percent return-on-investment. Im sure you've guessed that if you cant afford to do this, a good washing will still make those windows sparkle!
Aside from these major improvement projects, there are simple changes you could make to your exterior, as a way to make current curb appeal come out from hiding!
You could weed and replace dead plants, flank your entryway with flower pots, mow and water your lawn, give your mailbox a fresh coat of paint, replace outdoor lighting with new bulbs and hang a welcoming front door sign.
Have questions? Need help selling your Richmond Hill, GA home? Contact me, your Richmond Hill real estate agent! Id be happy to help you in every way that I can.

Kim Rahn
RE/MAX Accent

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